Allegiance Title is excited to announce the new AllegianceTitleAgentONE App!
Contact Von or Lisa for instructions to download this FREE APP!
*Get quick Buyer and Seller Estimates
*Show your Buyer what they can afford based on their desired payment
*SELLER NET SHEETS- Make listing presentations, offers and counters a snap!
*SELL TO NET Calculator
*RENT vs BUY- Show Renters that buying...
Email to find out how to get Real Estates #1 App!
Allegiance TitleAgent 3.0 gives you access to Net Sheets, Closing Costs and Much more!!
-Area specific closing costs, taxes and other defaults makes your listing/selling appointments a breeze!
Check out this great website to find important information on the closing process, why title insurance is so important, and much more!
**AGENTS and LENDERS- this is a great tool to share with your Buyers and Sellers!